Slip off your shoes

and have a seat. All are welcome here as I blog about my life and revelations.

DOWNSIZING:  The Pallet Ambush

DOWNSIZING: The Pallet Ambush

     I stopped mid-step and catapulted backwards three feet in the air. Well, maybe not three feet. More like one. The monster snake, emerging from between the slats in one of the pallets forming a walkway to my camper, snapped back as well. I screamed. He may have screamed too. I’m not sure being too busy backpedaling. Thankfully, I didn’t trip over myself fleeing. Likewise, he disappeared with a saucy flick of his tail into the dark, depths. The pallet’s  purpose was to keep dirt from tracking into the camper.

Not to harbor wildlife.

     Now, how to get to my car without passing within ten feet of the suspect area? Did I mention my terror of snakes? Any snake. My worst nightmare involves waking to find a snake poised on my chest waiting for me to scream. Shiver! Just writing about it makes me recheck the ground around my feet.

     Finally, I braved the pathway and skipped-hopped to my car. Closing the door firmly, I was sure he was watching me from the pallet.

Do snakes grin?

Read "The Nativity Circle" published at Vinewords

The Camper Shower

The Camper Shower